EdTech Situation Room Episode 59

Welcome to episode 59 of the EdTech Situation Room from August 2, 2017, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wes Fryer (@wfryer) discussed Apple’s recent favorable quarterly earnings report, Tim Cook’s alleged statements to President Trump about Apple manufacturing returning (at least in part) to the USA mainland, the relatively low influence of peer-journaled research in most K-12 educational purchasing decisions, and the implications of genetic modification / genomics in recently announced insect eradication campaigns in the US as well as a breakthrough human embryo genetic mutation “edit.” Other topics addressed included solar eclipse sunglasses scams on Amazon (buyer beware!), some excellent explanatory videos and articles about cryptocurrencies and the “blockchain” (including Bitcoin), the announced death of Flash as a supported web technology from Adobe in 2020, and recent hacks to Verizon customers as well as an alarmingly saavy web user whose AT&T iPhone account was compromised in a targeted attacked even though he had 2-step verification turned on as well as an account passcode. (The AT&T call center rep was the weak link and granted account access to the hacker without the required customer pass phrase.) Lastly, an article prediction that SpaceX will become the leading global Internet Service Provider (ISP) when they triple the number of communication satellites in earth orbit, and the current battle of Snopes to raise money and remain financially solvent were discussed. Geeks of the week included ShoutKey, a website for sharing time-limited shortened web links / URLs with plain English words easy to spell (Wes) and an Anker solar charger for digital devices (Jason). Jason also announced the “Chromebook App List” on the NCCE blog, and Wes shared he will be presenting for Classroom 2.0 Live on Saturday, August 12th. (Note: This is a correction from the date shared during this episode). Please check our shownotes below and links on https://edtechsr.com/links for all referenced articles and resources from this episode. Follow us on Twitter @edtechSR to stay up to date about upcoming shows. Please try to join us LIVE online if you can, normally on Wednesday nights at 10 pm Eastern / 9 pm Central / 8 pm Mountain / 7 pm Pacific.


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) – blog: blog.ncce.org
  7. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
  8. After three years, iPad sales are up again for Apple (ArsTechnica, 1 August 2017)
  9. Tim Cook on Trump’s Apple Factories Statement: Let’s Talk About Something Else (MacObserver, 1 August 2017)
  10. How Much Do Educators Care About Edtech Efficacy? Less Than You Might Think (EdSurge, 17 July 2017)
  11. Genetically Modified Moth May Soon Be Coming to New York Crops (Smithsonian Magazine, 11 July 2017)
  12. In Breakthrough, Scientists Edit a Dangerous Mutation From Genes in Human Embryos (NY Times, 2 August 2017)
  13. 23andMe: DNA Genetic Testing & Analysis
  14. Buyer Beware: Don’t blindly trust companies selling solar eclipse glasses on Amazon (The Verge; 25 July 2017)
  15. Radiolab Episode on Cryptocurrency zCash: “The Ceremony” (14 July 2017)
  16. Ever wonder how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) actually work? (3Blue1Brown, 1 July 2017) h/t @legoarf
  17. RIP Flash (1995-2020): Adobe will finally kill Flash in 2020 (The Verge, 25 July 2017)
  18. Millions of Verizon customer records exposed in security lapse (ZDNet, 12 July 2017)
  19. I Got Hacked & All I Got Was This New SIM Card (@justin, 7 July 2017)
  20. Will SpaceX become world’s biggest telecoms provider? Probably.” (@gavinsblog, 15 July 2017)
  21. Fake News Watch: Snopes, in Heated Legal Battle, Asks Readers for Money to Survive (New York Times, 24 July 2017)
  22. Geeks of the Week from Jason: Anker Solar ChargerChromebook App List
  23. Geeks of the Week from Wes: ShoutKeyWes on Classroom 2.0 Live Saturday August 12th

EdTech Situation Room Episode 57

Welcome to episode 57 of the EdTech Situation Room from July 12, 2017, where technology news meets educational analysis. Visit https://edtechsr.com/links to access all referenced links from our show. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wes Fryer (@wfryer) discussed takeaways and “tired edtech trends” from the 2017 ISTE Conference in San Antonio. They demonstrated the new “Seeing AI” app from Microsoft, which amazingly has been FIRST released for iOS / iPhone / iPad, and discussed several noteworthy and recent podcasts, videos and articles relating to artificial intelligence. Other addressed topics included Google’s new integrated Drive & Photos ‘Backup & Sync’ app, a recent study finding the mere presence of a cell phone reduces brain power, #FontGate in Pakistan, a tragic story of attempted YouTube stardom, and reviews of the new Microsoft laptop. Geeks of the week included “Gypsy Guide” for iOS driving tours, the web series “Do Not Track,” and the amazing slide collection (for PowerPoint and Google Slides) SlideModel.com. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @edtechSR to stay up to date on upcoming shows! Next week we will have a special episode focusing specifically on Net Neutrality. If you are a US citizen, but sure to visit www.savetheinternet.com NOW to contact both the FCC and your elected officials in Washington to voice your support for Net Neutrality and opposition to proposed regulations which would fundamentally harm the Internet as we know and use it today. Make your voice be heard – speak out! Then join us next week as we break down the issues at stake surrounding net neutrality in greater detail.


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) – blog: blog.ncce.org
  7. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
  8. Create Image Collages with Google Drawings (Wes Fryer, 13 June 2017)
  9. Tired Edtech Trends That Teachers Wish Would Retire: From the Floor of ISTE 2017 (EdSurge, 4 July 2017)
  10. Tour of Seesaw 5.0 (video)
  11. Circuit Sticker Sketchbook
  12. Podcast453: Reflections on ISTE 2017 and iPad Media Camp – Jackson, Wyoming
  13. Microsoft Releases Seeing AI on iOS (Microsoft)
  14. Technology and the Future: A Vision of Our Lives in 2050 (World Affairs, 29 March 2017)
  15. Movie: “Ghost in the Shell” (2017)
  16. AI is Eating Software … and Getting Smarter by the Second (SmartUp, 14 May 2017)
  17. In the AI Age, “Being Smart” Will Mean Something Completely Different (Harvard Business Review, 19 June 2017)
  18. Google looks to make Chrome OS much more touch-friendly than before (Android Authority, 8 July 2017)
  19. The Mere Presence of Your Smartphone Reduces Brain Power, Study Shows (UT-Austin, 26 June 2017)
  20. In attempt to achieve YouTube stardom, woman accidentally kills her boyfriend (ArsTechnica, 30 June 2017)
  21. Combined Google Drive & Photos ‘Backup & Sync’ app available for Mac, Windows (9to5Google, 12 July 2017)
  22. iPhone Can Scan QR Codes Directly in Camera App on iOS 11 (MacRumors, 6 June 2017)
  23. How a Microsoft font could lead to the removal of Pakistan’s Prime Minister #FontGate (Mashable, 12 July 2017)
  24. Surface Laptop Two Week Review: Microsoft’s Stunning First Notebook Great For Today’s Use Cases (Forbes, 7 July 2017)
  25. REVIEW: Microsoft’s newest laptop delivers a knockout punch to the MacBook — so long as you perform one simple step (Business Insider, 8 July 2017)
  26. Tuesday’s massive ransomware outbreak was, in fact, something much worse (ArsTechnica, 28 June 2017)
  27. Clockwise Podcast (@clockwisepod)
  28. BackBlaze: Recommended online backup platform
  29. Why you should ignore the Jayden K Smith Facebook hoax (BBC News, 10 July 2017)
  30. Facebook and Google join net neutrality ‘day of action’ (Engadget, 7 July 2017)
  31. Save the Internet: Speak Out for Net Neutrality
  32. BadgeList badges for iPad Media Camp
  33. Jason’s Geek of the Week: SlideModel.com for Google Slides
  34. Wes’ Geeks of the Week: Gypsy Guide – Yellowstone & Grand Teton Tour App Combo ($9) and Do Not Track: a personalized web series about privacy and the web economy by @remixmanifesto (via @cogdog)

EdTech Situation Room Episode 43

Welcome to episode 43 of the EdTech Situation Room from March 8, 2017, where technology news meets educational analysis. Visit https://edtechsr.com/links to access all referenced links from our show. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) was out on assignment this week. Carrying the #edtechSR torch forward, Miguel Guhlin (@mguhlin)  and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed the lackluster state of iBooks and the “abandonware” status of iBooks Author. They also explored the implications of Vault 7, the WikiLeaks archive of alleged CIA documents which highlights security vulnerabilities in supposed “secure” messaging apps and platforms, as well as the hackability of smartTVs and other iOT devices. Miguel and Wes talked about the educational implications of these announcements, especially as they relate to digital citizenship, privacy, and Constitutional / human rights. Wes briefly highlighted the DNA storage milestone of the past week (215 petabytes per gram) as well as an enlightening article on the future of Apple’s Macintosh computer and various revenue streams. Shout outs were shared by Wes to Susan Bearden’s excellent book “Digital Citizenship: A Community-Based Approach,” Brian Krebs’ book “Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime-from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door,” and the Committed Podcast (a weekly tech podcast.) Miguel’s Geeks of the Week included an excellent smartphone microphone for podcast interview recording (iRig Mic Cast), an amazing web-based audio editor (Beautiful Audio Editor for Chrome), and the book “Digital Media in the Classroom.” Please refer to our podcast shownotes for links to all referenced articles, videos, and resources from the show, and take a few minutes to complete our listener survey on http://wfryer.me/edtechsr.


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Miguel Guhlin (@mguhlin) – blog: Around the Corner
  7. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
  8. SXSWedu
  9. VidCode (@vidcode) – coding curriculum for students
  10. The State of iBooks in Early 2017 (@TidBITS, 18 Feb 2017)
  11. I Wish Apple Loved Books (@dimsumthinking, 7 Feb 2017)
  12. WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents (@nytimes, 7 March 2017)
  13. Free eBook on Privacy from Miguel
  14. Surveillance State, Privacy and Citizenship (free Flipboard magazine curated by Miguel and Wes)
  15. Digital Security (free Flipboard magazine curated by Miguel and Wes)
  16. DNA data storage landmark: Now it’s 215 petabytes per gram or over 100 million movies (@ZDnet, 6 March 2017)
  17. Book recommendation from Wes: “Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime-from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door” by Brian Krebs (@briankrebs)
  18. Wes’ book review of “Spam Nation by Brian Krebs (December 2016)
  19. The future of Apple’s Macintosh (@appleinsider, 5 March 2017)
  20. Scrivener Software (great for writers / authors)
  21. The Committed Podcast (@committedshow)
  22. Book recommendation from Wes: “Digital Citizenship: A Community-Based Approach” by Susan Bearden (@s_bearden)
  23. Source Code for IoT Botnet ‘Mirai’ Released (@briankrebs, 16 Oct 2016)
  24. Apple Losing Out to Microsoft and Google in U.S. Classrooms (@MacRumors, 3 March 2017)
  25. Miguel’s Geeks of the Week: iRig Mic Cast ($39.99)Beautiful Audio Editor for Chrome, book: Digital Media in the Classroom
  26. Wes’ Geek of the Week: Pocket (includes built-in text to speech)

EdTech Situation Room Episode 40

Welcome to episode 40 of the EdTech Situation Room from February 15, 2017, where technology news meets educational analysis. Visit https://edtechsr.com/links to access all referenced links from our show. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed the dangers posed by IoT (Internet of Things) hacks, the new 802.11ax wifi standard which will bring greater capacity to our networks, strategies to address fake news, and the ongoing demise of Twitter from a financial / investment perspective. They also discussed automation and the danger it poses to middle class jobs, a recent Guardian editorial piece about rejecting standardization in schools, and the amazing capabilities technology has brought us in the last 20 years. Geeks of the week included iThemes Security Pro for WordPress (Wes) and the “3-2-1 backup strategy” (Jason). Please refer to our podcast shownotes for links to all referenced articles, videos, and resources from the show, and take a few minutes to complete our listener survey on http://wfryer.me/edtechsr.


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) – blog: blog.ncce.org
  7. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
  8. With 802.11ax, more devices will be able to hop onto your Wi-Fi network (13 Feb 2017, Mashable)
  9. University attacked by its own vending machines, smart light bulbs & 5,000 IoT devices (12 Feb 2017, NetworkWorld by IDG)
  10. New Mac malware pinned on same Russian group blamed for election hacks (14 Feb 2017, ArsTechnica)
  11. Now sites can fingerprint you online even when you use multiple browsers (13 Feb 2017, ArsTechnica)
  12. Filming of Apple’s Upcoming ‘Planet of the Apps’ Series Has Finished (11 Feb 2017, MacRumors)
  13. Fighting fake news isn’t just up to Facebook and Google (Washington Post, 6 February 2017)
  14. www.opensources.co/ — Melissa Zimdars, Merrimack College
  15. Truth, truthiness, triangulation: A news literacy toolkit for a “post-truth” world (24 Nov 2016, Joyce Valenza @joycevalenza)
  16. An Update on Safety by @mrdonut (7 Feb 2017, official Twitter blog post about changes to combat abuse)
  17. Twitter hopes machine learning can save it from oblivion (10 Feb 2017, Venturebeat)
  18. Ray Kurzweil’s Wildest Prediction: Nanobots Will Plug Our Brains Into the Web by 2030s (12 Oct 2015, Singularity Hub by @PeterDiamandis)
  19. In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be redundant (15 Feb 2017, Guardian)
  21. Geeks of the Week: Jason: 3-2-1 Backup Strategy and Wes: iThemes Security Plugin (for WordPress users)

Twitter by Uncalno, on Flickr
Twitter” (CC BY 2.0) by Uncalno

EdTech Situation Room Episode 39

Welcome to episode 39 of the EdTech Situation Room from February 1, 2017, where technology news meets educational analysis. Visit https://edtechsr.com/links to access all referenced links from our show. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach), Jennifer Carey (@teacherjencarey) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed screen time and a recent response by Derrick Willard (@dwillard) to a provocative Time editorial. They also discussed the recent sunsetting announcement of Club Penguin by Disney, the importance of parents getting into the virtual worlds their kids are playing in and exploring, and Microsoft’s forthcoming “Windows 10 Cloud” product release. The recent successful ransomeware attack on an Austrian hotel, hacking the Internet of Things, uses for digital assistants like Google Home and Alexa, the importance of 2 step verification, and the dangers of Google Authenticator were also addressed. In a “Geek of the Week” bonus moment, Jason shared the $30 bluetooth lightbulb and speaker (from Amazon) which he’s using now at home. Official geeks of the week included the new NPR series “The Privacy Paradox” (Jen), updates to Google Voice (Jason), and “Advanced / Cyborg / Centaur Chess” (Wes) via Kevin Kelly’s (@kevin2kelly) outstanding book, “The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future.” Please refer to our podcast shownotes for links to all referenced articles, videos, and resources from the show, and take a few minutes to complete our listener survey on http://wfryer.me/edtechsr.


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) – blog: blog.ncce.org
  7. Jennifer Carey (@teacherjencarey) – blog: indianajen.com
  8. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
  9. Reframing the Debate About Screen Time (30 Jan 2017, EduTopia by @brholland)
  10. An Educator’s Response: The Screens in Schools Time Editorial (12 Sept 2016, by @dwillard
  11. Club Penguin is shutting down (31 Jan 2017, TechCrunch)
  12. Even kids on Club Penguin staged an anti-Trump protest (14 Nov 2016, Mashable)
  13. Club Penguin Private Servers (CPPS)
  14. I Feel Like Club Penguin Doesn’t Care About Private Servers and Cheating (8 Sept 2014, ClubPenguinMemories.com)
  15. LEGO Life is a new social network where kids can share their creations (31 Jan 2017, TechCrunch)
  16. Lego launches ‘safe’ social network for under-13s (31 Jan 2017, BBC)
  17. Microsoft’s coming Windows 10 Cloud release may have nothing to do with the cloud (All About Microsoft, 30 January 2017)
  18. Hackers Use New Tactic at Austrian Hotel: Locking the Doors (30 Jan 2017, NYTimes)
  19. Generation X More Addicted to Social Media Than Millennials, Report Finds (New York Times, 27 January 2017)
  20. Tenergy Propel LED Music Light Bulb with Bluetooth Speaker ($30 on Amazon)
  21. Geek of the week from Jen: The Privacy Paradox
  22. Geek of the week from Jason:  Google Voice Lives!
  23. Geek of the week from Wes: Advanced / Cyborg / Centaur Chess via “The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future” by @kevin2kelly
  24. ATLIS 2017 Annual Conference (Los Angeles, April 23-26, 2017)
  25. NCCE 2017 Annual Conference (Portland, March 22-24, 2017)

EdTech Situation Room Episode 37

Welcome to episode 37 of the EdTech Situation Room from January 18, 2017, where technology news meets educational analysis. Visit https://edtechsr.com/links to access all referenced links from our show. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach), Eric Langhorst (@elanghorst) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed LinkedIn privacy policy changes, the major updates to Evernote and the Evernote mobile app, the excellent job prospects for physicists in coding, and the negative role of advertising in the online news landscape. Additional topics included the use of more tricky phishing schemes by hackers, the continuing development of personal assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home, President Obama’s recent interview with the New York Times discussing his recent favorite books to read, and the ability of AI to predict the mortality of heart disease patients with startling accuracy. Geeks of the week included Bitdefender, the Ancestry Education grant, and SimpleNote. Please refer to our podcast shownotes for links to all referenced articles, videos, and resources from the show, and take a few minutes to complete our listener survey on http://wfryer.me/edtechsr.


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach)
  7. Eric Langhorst (@elanghorst)
  8. Wes Fryer (@wfryer)
  9. LinkedIn wants more ad dollars, so it’s offering up more user data to advertisers (Recode, 18 January 2016)
  10. Evernote’s New App Is More Than an Update—It’s a Reboot (Wired, 17 January 2017)
  12. AI can predict when patients will die from heart failure ‘with 80% accuracy’ (International Business Times, 17 January 2017)
  13. Mossberg: Lousy ads are ruining the online experience (The Verge, 18 January 2017)
  14. Gmail hack: Even tech-savvy users fooled by sophisticated phishing technique (iNews, 17 Jan 2017)
  15. Prevent & report phishing attacks (Google Official Support page)
  16. Avoid and report Google scams (Google Official Support page)
  17. I Now Call Alexa to the Stand: What Criminal Law Can Learn from Civil Law When It Comes to E-Discovery (Jim Gill for @exterro, 13 Jan 2017)
  18. Alexa Is Conquering the World. Now Amazon’s Real Challenge Begins (Wired, 18 Jan 2017)
  19. Transcript: President Obama on What Books Mean to Him (New York Times, 16 January 2017)
  20. Jason’s Geek of the Week: SimpleNote
  21. Eric’s Geek of the Week: Ancestry Education Grant (one year of free access for your students)
  22. Wes’ Geek of the Week: Bitdefender Family Pack ($70 for 1 year, $50 off) and Trafficlight Google Chrome Extension (free)

EdTech Situation Room Episode 33

It’s the holiday season, and for episode 33 we’ve brought you a special “Technology Shopping Cart” panel discussion helping you find the perfect gifts for the tech nerds in your life! Welcome to the EdTech Situation Room from December 14, 2016, where technology news meets educational analysis. Visit https://edtechsr.com/links to access all referenced links from our show. This week we had four panelists including Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach), Martin Horejsi, Miguel Guhlin (@mguhlin) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) share book recommendations and techie gift ideas under $10, in the $10 – $20 range, and the over $100 category. Everyone also shared a movie or video series recommendation to check out over the holidays. You’ll definitely want to visit our shownotes this week for a complete list of referenced links. If you purchase something, read something, or watch something as a result of our show please let us know! We’ll be back for one more episode in 2017 with our “EdTech Year in Review” show, but that date will be announced pending Jason’s European vacation travel plans. Follow us on Twitter @edtechSR for updates about that show’s date and time, which will most likely break with our “normal” Wednesday night routine. Please also fill out our listener survey at http://wfryer.me/edtechsr to let us know where you’re tuning in from and what you’ve liked from our shows. Have a safe, restful, and joyful holiday everyone! (And go download Miguel’s FREE security ebook right away, you’ll feel much safer after you read it and change your personal security habits as a result!)


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Shout out to @CommittedShow “Episode 149: Holiday Gift Guide 2016” (we copied & modified their show format!)
  7. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach)
  8. Book: Europe through the Back Door, by Rick Steves
  9. Under $25: Don’t know what to buy your nerd?  Amazon giftcard, yo! or Belkin 3-Outlet SurgePlus  or Mini Travel Swivel
  10. Great Audio Products for Non-Audiophiles Monoprice DJ Headphones and Monoprice Ear Buds
  11. $25-100:Kindle Paperwhite and Amazon Refurbished Store for Amazon items
  12. More than $100: and Amazon Echo or Google Home
  13. Martin Horejsi (NCCE Board bio – University of Montana contact info)
  14. Book: The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future by Kevin Kelly (June, 2016)
  15. < $20: Bondic Plus Plastic Welder
  16. $20-100: UE ROLL 2 Reef
  17. > $100: Mercedes Maybach S600
  18. Movie: Watch all 5 Jason Bourne in order finishing with You Know His Name
  19. Contact info for Martin: Click Here and choose one.
  20. Miguel Guhlin (@mguhlinBlog: mguhlin.org  | TCEA Director of PD: www.tcea.org/blog
  21. Free ebook, Protect Your Digital Privacy and free digital audio books or A Spy’s Guide to Thinking (Data ->Analysis->Decision->Action – “The world is overflowing with data, secret and otherwise. It has to be shrunk. That happens in the analysis process.” Fascinating writing style/ or How to Write Short
  22. Under $20: Lightning to USB cable ($5.99) or Messenger Bag ($14.99)
  23. From $20-$100: Chipolo Plus (approx $30 per unit) – Never lose stuff again! Or Kindle Fire 7” ($39.99 per unit, holiday) or Blue Mikey microphone ($99) for iPad/iPhone with Lightning connector or Portable Shower Bluetooth Rugged Speaker ($29.99)
  24. Over $100: MS Surface Pro 4 tablet
  25. TCEA’s Tech to Ask Santa For: December, 2016 and More gadgets
  26. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer)
  27. Book: “Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime-from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door” by Brian Krebs (@briankrebs) – ($10.49 on Audible)
  28. Under $20: iPow iPad Tripod Mount Adapter Universal Tablet Clamp ($9)
  29. From $20 – $100: Brother QL-700 High-speed, Professional Label Printer ($65 – hat tip to @tonyvincent) and SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick (h/t to Martin)
  30. Over $100: 12” 1.2 GHz MacBook ($1600)
  31. Citizenfour Documentary (@citizenfour)

 by heschong, on Flickr
“” (CC BY 2.0) by heschong

EdTech Situation Room Episode 27

Welcome to episode 27 of the EdTech Situation Room from November 2, 2016, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed a variety of announcements from both Microsoft and Apple from recent PR events. Topics included Microsoft’s Surface Studio, Apple’s refreshed MacBook Pro, AppleTV updates, and the changing identities as well as customer niche foci of Microsoft and Apple. Jason and Wes discussed the wisdom or folly of Apple going “all in” for the USB-C port in new MacBooks, and the possibility that laptop innovation has plateaued across platforms today. They also talked about the massive and unprecedented cybertattacks from two weeks ago, the role of hacked IoT (Internet of Things) devices in the attack, and the implications of this hostile cyber-environment for consumers as well as schools. Wes gave a big shout out to Brian Krebs, his security blog, and 2014 book “Spam Nation – The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime-from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door.” Geeks of the week included the WorkFrom App for iOS (from Jason) and political messaging games on GOParcade.com (from Wes). Check out past episode shownotes on https://edtechsr.com/links and be sure to follow @edtechSR for updates on Twitter http://twitter.com/edtechsr as well as on Facebook. If you listen to the show, please submit our listener survey using the shortened link http://wfryer.me/edtechsr which forwards to a Google Form. Your feedback and suggestions on the show are appreciated!


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach)
  7. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer)
  8. The 2016 K12 Online Conference has started!
  9. Microsoft unveils Surface Studio in bid for creative professionals (Guardian, 26 Oct 2016)
  10. VIDEO: Introducing Microsoft Surface Studio (2:13)
  11. The Bizarre Role Reversal of Apple and Microsoft (@backchnnl, 28 Oct 2016)
  12. Everything Apple Announced at the MacBook Event that Actually Matters (Lifehacker, 27 October 2016)
  13. Apple’s new MacBook Pro kills off most of the ports you probably need (TechCrunch, 27 Oct 2016)
  14. This is why Apple killed the SD card slot on the new MacBook Pro (The Next Web, 2 November 2016)
  15. Here’s why Apple kept the headphone jack in the new MacBook, but not the new iPhone (Business Insider, 2 November 2016)
  16. ‘Minecraft’ is coming to Apple TV (Engadget, 27 Oct 2016)
  17. Apple quietly kills non-Retina MacBook Pro it sold for four years (ARStechnica, 27 Oct 2016)
  18. What Last Week’s Internet Shut Down Really Means (Backchannel by Susan Crawford, 26 Oct 2016)
  19. Dyn Analysis Summary Of Friday October 21 Attack (Dyn Blog by @wscotthilton, 26 Oct 2016)
  20. Hacked Cameras, DVRs Powered Today’s Massive Internet Outage (Brian Krebs @briankrebs, 21 Oct 2016)
  21. DDoS attack that disrupted internet was largest of its kind in history, experts say   (Guardian, 26 Oct 2016)
  22. Book: Spam Nation – The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime-from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door by Brian Krebs (per Wes: should be required reading for anyone studying computer science, coding, or the Internet today)
  23. ‘Internet Of Things’ Hacking Attack Led To Widespread Outage Of Popular Websites (NPR, 22 October 2016)
  24. Jason’s Geek of the week: WorkFrom App on iOS
  25. Wes’ Geek of the week: “Bomb the Right Place” by @GOParcade (more background)
  26. Tomorrow/Thursday night: #k12onlineconf live panel!

EdTech Situation Room Episode 26

A Seedlings podcast mini-reunion! Welcome to episode 26 of the EdTech Situation Room from October 19, 2016, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) was again out on assignment, so Wes Fryer (@wfryer) joined Alice Barr (@alicebarr) and Cheryl Oakes (@cheryloakes50) for a discussion about recent technology news affecting the world of education. Alice and Cheryl have been educational podcasters for MANY years, and are two of Wes’ personal “podparents” (if such a thing is a thing…) “Seedlings Forever!” Alice, Cheryl and Wes talked about new study statistics showing teens significantly prefer Snapchat and Instagram over Facebook for social media interaction, and how many kids (even older ones who are pre-service teachers) have difficulty viewing and using Twitter for professional networking. They discussed the recent name change of “Google Apps” by Google to the “G Suite,” and both Alice and Cheryl shared a few of their takeaways from last summer’s Google Geo Institute in Mountain View, California. Show participants also discussed the recent Vox interview article with Andy Stern (@AndyStern_DC), author of “Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream.” The title of the Vox article was, “Why we need to plan for a future without jobs.” Geeks of the week included Rewordify.com, “Time Saving Tips from GSuite for Education,” TubeBuddy for YouTube, the GAFE Admins Podcast (@gafeadm1ns), and the Providence Day School Digital Citizenship website. Thanks to our live viewers Jamie Camp (@connect2jamie) and Peggy George (@pgeorge) who persevered with us despite some technical difficulties! Cheryl ended up joining via iPhone speakerphone, so that is why there is a sync issue with her video and her audio quality wasn’t stellar. We were and are THRILLED that this YouTube Live Google Hangout could take place, however, and hope you’ll share feedback with all of us if you listen and enjoy the show. Please also take a moment to respond to our listener survey, which is linked in our shownotes. All links from this and past shows are available on https://edtechsr.com/links and you can follow us on Twitter @edtechSR to stay up to date for future shows. Next week we anticipate being back at our “normal time” (10 pm Eastern / 9 pm Central / 8 pm Mountain / 7 pm Pacific) and will feature yet another guest. Thanks for tuning into the EdTech Situation Room!


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Special guest Alice Barr (@alicebarr)
  7. Special guest Cheryl Oakes (@cheryloakes50)
  8. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer)
  9. Snapchat Beats Instagram and Facebook as the Top Social Platform for Teens (AdWeek, 14 Oct 2016)
  10. All together now. Introducing G Suite (Google Official Cloud Blog, 29 Sep 2016)
  11. Google Expeditions (now with an iOS app!)
  12. Why we need to plan for a future without jobs (Vox, 17 Oct 2016)
  13. Book: Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream by Andy Stern (@AndyStern_DC)
  14. Map: The Most Common* Job In Every State (NPR, Feb 2015)
  15. Alice’s Geek of the Week: Time Saving Tips from GSuite for Education
  16. Cheryl’s Geek of the Week: Rewordify.com (Blog post about rewordify on cheryloakes.com)
  17. Rachel’s Minecraft YouTube Channel: RachelArtist (>500 subscribers now – @RachfMC)
  18. TubeBuddy for YouTube (Google Chrome extension) and TubeBuddy’s Tips and Tricks for YouTube
  19. GAFE Admins Podcast (@gafeadm1ns)
  20. Providence Day School Digital Citizenship

EdTech Situation Room Episode 23

Welcome to episode 23 of the EdTech Situation Room from September 28, 2016, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Martin Horejsi hosted the show and dived into a variety of technology related topics. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) was out on assignment this week and was not able to join live. Topics for episode 23 with Jason and Martin included the recently released Horizon Report (K12 Edition) and a great discussion about classroom learning spaces. They also discussed Elon Musk’s recently updated vision for Mars colonization, and the uses of technology to both fact check and distract viewers Monday night during the first U.S. Presidential candidate debate. Martin’s geek of the week was the TI-Innovator Hub, and Jason’s was the Flash Forward Podcast. Check out the episode shownotes for links to referenced articles and geeks of the week. Check out past episode shownotes on https://edtechsr.com/links and be sure to follow @edtechSR for updates on Twitter http://twitter.com/edtechsr as well as on Facebook. If you listen to the show, please submit our listener survey using the shortened link http://wfryer.me/edtechsr which forwards to a Google Form. Your feedback and suggestions on the show are appreciated!


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach)
  7. Martin Horejsi (NCCE Board bio – University of Montana contact info)
  8. NMC/CoSN Horizon Report > 2016 K-12 Edition
  9. VIDEO – 6 min highlight summary
  10. Why making, coding, and online learning are the real trends to watch (eSchoolNews, 14 Sept 2016)
  11. Elon Musk Outlines His Crazy, Very Real Plan to Colonize Mars (Slate Future Tense, 27 September 2016)
  12. Elon Musk: We Must Leave Earth For One Critical Reason (Futurism, 11 Sept 2016)
  13. Presidential Debate Sets Viewership Record (Wall Street Journal, 27 September 2016)
  14. First Presidential Debate Breaks Twitter Record (Hollywood Reporter, 26 September 2016) (and is Disney going to buy Twitter?)
  15. Jason’s Geek of the Week:  Flash Forward Podcast
  16. Martin’s Geek of the Week: TI-Innovator Hub