EdTech Situation Room Episode 21

Welcome to episode 21 of the EdTech Situation Room from September 7, 2016, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed the much-heralded Apple Event from earlier today which featured the announcement of the iPhone 7. Jason and Wes, in classic “Yayyyyy! …. or Mehhhhhhh…” analysis, broke down the major elements of the Apple Event. This included the iPhone 7 camera, the death of the headphone jack, newly announced AirPods, The Apple Watch Series 2, and iWork real-time collaboration. They also discussed missing announcements from the event, which included updates to the MacBook lineup, MacPro updates, iMac updates, or iPad/iPad Mini updates. They briefly discussed the Time Magazine article from August 31st, “Screens In Schools Are a $60 Billion Hoax,” and agreed to dedicate next week’s show entirely to analysis and responses to the varied (and slippery) arguments put forth by Nicholas Kardaras in the piece. Geeks of the week included the the MacRumors Buyer’s Guide (from Jason) and two outstanding videos to watch (from Wes) by Travor Muir and National Geographic. Check out the episode shownotes for links to referenced articles and resources. Also be sure to view our Google Doc with archived links from every show on edtechSR.com/links. Remember to follow us on Twitter @edtechSR and complete our listener/viewer survey, linked first this week in the shownotes! Your feedback counts and we love to hear from our fans around the world! (Note: About 18:45 of the show, we had some bandwidth hiccups in the Google Hangout… and we didn’t edit out that dead space from the show, so please persevere through this minor glitch. Overall given our tech constraints tonight, we’re thrilled with the audio and video quality!)


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach)
  7. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer)
  8. Everything Apple Announced Today At Their iPhone 7 Event That Actually Matters (Lifehacker, 7 September 2016)
  9. Apple kills headphone jack (1878 – 2016). RIP. (TechCrunch, 7 September 2016)
  10. The post-Jobs Apple has soared financially, but lacks a breakthrough product (Recode – Mossberg, 31 August 2016)
  11. Screens In Schools Are a $60 Billion Hoax (Time Magazine, 31 August 2016)
  12. “African Smartphone Use” in BBC Click Podcast from 31 August 2016 “Moment Allows Navigation on Your Skin” (@bbcclick)
  13. House of #EdTech Podcast by Chris Nessi (@mrnesi)
  14. Shout out to Hall Davidson (@HallDavidson) & his legendary stories of recording audio tracks for his teen daughter’s iPad & changing meta info to masquerade as Miley Cyrus (back when she was cool with parents)
  15. TitanPad (free site running open source software Etherpad)
  16. Shout out to James Deaton (@jed) for recommending discounted Pebble smart watches
  17. Stories From School Podcast by @bkpkmedia produced by @TrevorMuir & @dreambition
  18. Jason’s Geek of the Week: MacRumors Buyer’s Guide
  19. Wes’ Geek of the Week 1: “Who was your favorite teacher ever?” video by Trevor Muir (@TrevorMuir)
  20. Wes’ Geek of the Week 2: National Geographic (@natgeo & @GC_Youth) short video documentary: “At 17 Million Years Old, Grand Canyon Still Has Lessons to Teach”