Welcome to episode 135 of the EdTech Situation Room from May 22, 2019, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed the threat posed by cyberattacks in the airline industry, a recent ransomware attack on Oklahoma City Public Schools (@okcps), and revelations of Google storing passwords as plaintext for over a decade. Wes discussed some of his takeaways from a recent Oklahoma education cybersecurity workshop, the importance of cybersecurity jobs, continued troubles with Microsoft Windows10 updates, and the security value of adding a recovery phone number to your Google account. The announced ban of Chinese telecommunications technologies from the US Government this week affecting Huawei (among other companies), the US Supreme Court ruling against Apple involving their App Store monopoly lawsuit, ChromeOS news from Adobe, and some eye opening statistics about eSports and the earnings of young gamers rounded out the show topics. Geeks of the Week included SuperHosts from AirBnB, TextExpander for Chrome, and a great video from Derek Muller (@veritasium) explaining big changes to the YouTube algorithm affecting creators, viewers, and the overall quality of YouTube video content. Please follow us on Twitter @edtechSR for updates, and join us LIVE on Wednesday nights if you can (normally) at 10 pm Eastern / 9 pm Central / 8 pm Mountain / 7 pm Pacific or 3 am UTC. All shownotes are available on http://edtechSR.com/links.
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- Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) – blog: blog.ncce.org
- Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
- The CEO of Delta Air Lines Was Asked What He Worries About Most. His Answer Will Truly Frighten Customers (Inc., 19 May 2019)
- After seven days, OKCPS says network “fully operational” after attack (Free Press OKC, 21 May 2019)
- Google stored some passwords in plain text for fourteen years (The Verge, 21 May 2019)
- Why some of the world’s top cybersecurity hackers are being paid millions to use their powers for good (CNBC, 18 May 2019)
- Tweets, reflections and resources from the Oklahoma Council of Educational Technology Leaders (OCETL) CTO Forum on 26 April 2019 in Moore, Oklahoma (shared by Wes)
- Google stats show how much a recovery number prevents phishing (Engadget, 18 May 2019)
- Google stats show how much a recovery number prevents phishing (Engadget, 18 May 2019)
- China’s Huawei, 70 affiliates placed on U.S. trade blacklist (Reuters, 15 May 2019)
- Google suspends some business with Huawei after Trump blacklist (Reuters, 19 May 2019)
- Huawei already seeing a reprieve on US trade ban, report says (CNet, 21 May 2019)
- Why Trump’s Huawei ban could cripple the company (Mashable, 20 May 2019)
- Supreme Court says Apple will have to face App Store monopoly lawsuit (Verge, 13 May 2019)
- Adobe Premiere Rush Lands On Android Today, Chromebooks Support Coming Soon (Chrome Unboxed; 21 May 2019)
- Why Prices Of Google’s Cheap Chromebooks Will Rise In The Long Term (Forbes; 19 May 2019)
- Some publishers pay streamers as much as $50k an hour to play new games (Gamasutra, 20 May 2019)
- Pro Fortnite player sues gaming organization over ‘oppressive’ contract (CNet, 20 May 2019)
- Jason’s Geeks of the Week: Use “SuperHosts” with AirBNB and TextExpander for Chrome
- Wes’ Geek of the Week: [VIDEO] My Video Went Viral. Here’s Why by @veritasium