EdTech Situation Room Episode 58

Welcome to episode 58 of the EdTech Situation Room from July 19, 2017, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week was a special episode dedicated specifically to “Net Neutrality” and the ongoing campaign to oppose corporate telco lobbying for Internet fast lanes. Visit https://edtechsr.com/links to access all referenced links from our show. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wes Fryer (@wfryer) discussed what net neutrality is and why it’s important, how it impacts schools as well as the economy, and why we need to advocate for net neutrality not only with the FCC but also with our elected representatives and senators in Congress. Follow us on Twitter @edtechSR to stay up to date about upcoming shows. Please try to join us LIVE online if you can, normally on Wednesday nights at 10 pm Eastern / 9 pm Central / 8 pm Mountain / 7 pm Pacific.


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
  2. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  3. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  4. Video version on YouTube
  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) – blog: blog.ncce.org
  7. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
  8. Book: The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World by Larry Lessig – 2001 (@lessig)
  9. Book: Telecosm: The World After Bandwidth Abundance by George Gilder – 2000 (@scandalofmoney)
  10. Save The Internet – Free Press (Includes timeline of the Fight for Net Neutrality)
  11. Net Neutrality (WikiPedia)
  12. FIGHT: The WIRED Guide to Net Neutrality (Wired, 12 July 2017)
  13. Day of Action: Sen. Ron Wyden on What’s at Stake in the Battle for Net Neutrality (Wired, 12 July 2017)
  14. Why Net Neutrality Matters Even in the Age of Oligopoly (Wired, 22 June 2017)
  15. The End of Net Neutrality Could Shackle the Internet of Things (Wired, 6 June 2017)
  16. Comcast Looks All Set to Keep Controlling Your Cable Box. Yay. (Wired, 2 Feb 2017)
  17. Net Neutrality Vision Graphic
  18. If FCC gets its way, we’ll lose a lot more than net neutrality (ArsTechnica, 12 July 2017)
  19. Why Net Neutrality Matters (Virtualization and Cloud Review, 12 July 2017)
  20. Binge On | Video Streaming without Using Your 4G LTE Data (T-Mobile)
  21. Will SpaceX become world’s biggest telecoms provider? Probably. by @gavinsblog (15 July 2017)
  22. Google, Facebook, Netflix lobbyist tells the FCC not to destroy net neutrality (The Verge, 12 April 2017)
  23. Larry Lessig (@lessig) on Net Neutrality and Google [VIDEO] – Part 1 and Part 2
  24. Jason’s Geek of the Week: Jason’s ChromeOS Software Project
  25. Wes’ Geeks of the Week:
    1. Circle with Disney ($100 plus $10/month for Circle Go. Track screentime by app/platform, filter/block websites and apps, set usage limits)
    2. How to see what the kids are doing on their phones (Francis Navarro, Komando.com, 9 July 2017)

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