EdTech Situation Room Episode 16

Welcome to episode 16 of the EdTech Situation Room from July 13, 2016, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) discussed new Android phone security hacks, the viral phenomenon of Pokemon Go, and signs of the continuing disruptive upheaval of worldwide video distribution. We used a Google Hangout this week instead of Blab, but had some bandwidth issues which created some audio skips and interruptions in our webcast and podcast recording. We will continue to work on these connectivity and recording issues to bring you better audio next week! Please follow us on Twitter for updates on shows @edtechSR, and check out our shownotes on https://edtechsr.com/links.


  1. Follow @edtechSR on Twitter!
  2. Audio podcast feed (Subscribe with iTunes or Stitcher)
  3. Video version on YouTube, also check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  4. Subscribe to @edtechSR on Blab.im (no archived episode 15, however)
  5. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach)
  6. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer)
  7. What Is Pokémon Go and Why Is Everyone Talking About It? (Lifehacker, July 11, 2016)
  8. Here’s the crazy first game the creators of Pokémon Go made inside Google (Recode, 7/9/2016)
  9. People are starting to make their restaurant choices based on Pokemon Go (Business Insider, July 11, 2016)
  10. How Pokemon Go may help AR’s business case (ZDNet, 7/11/2016)
  11. Pokémon GO App Review (@CommonSense, 7/13/2016)
  12. Google security issues in Pokemon Go were patched today (AppleInsider, 7/12/2016)
  13. Jason: Cautionary Tale: 14 REASONS WHY POKEMON GO IS THE FUTURE OF LEARNING (Ideafm, July 8, 2016)
  14. AP Stylebook Entry (Twitter)
  15. Twitter will livestream the Democratic and Republican conventions (Engadget, July 11, 2016)
  16. ABC is creating dozens of free, digital-only shows it wants you to watch on your phone (Recode, July 13, 2016)
  17. Most people don’t trust the news they get from social media (Recode, 7/8/2016)
  18. The tyranny of messaging and notifications (Recode, 7/6/2016)
  19. Jason’s Geek of the Week: Google’s Octane Benchmark
  20. Wes’ Geek of the Week: Hyper app (@watchhyper)