EdTech Situation Room Episode 87

Welcome to episode 87 of the EdTech Situation Room from February 28, 2018, where technology news meets educational analysis. This week Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) and Wes Fryer (@wfryer) discussed news from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, net neutrality debate in the U.S. Congress, the forthcoming freemium option in Microsoft Teams, and new Chromebooks from Lenovo. Additional topics included Facebook’s facial recognition features, outlier conspiracy theories focusing on the recent Florida school shooting fueled by social media, and YouTube’s reinvigorated policing of videos required to adhere to community guidelines. Challenges for Android OS security, a possible replacement of Android OS by Google (with Flutter), and the prevalence of “credential stuffing” with online accounts rounded out the show’s main topics. Geeks of the week included a new Google MOOC focusing on AI and machine learning, compatibility of Mac Magic trackpads with Chromebooks, and the free Google Docs Add-On “OrangeSlice: Teacher Rubric.” Please follow us on Twitter @edtechSR for updates on our show. Thanks for viewing / listening!


  1. EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey: wfryer.me/edtechsr
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  5. Check out our video podcast feed and subscribe to our YouTube Channel (episodes also in this YouTube playlist)
  6. Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach) – blog: blog.ncce.org
  7. Wes Fryer (@wfryer) – blog: speedofcreativity.org
  8. How To Turn Off Facebook’s Face Recognition Features (Wired, 28 Feb 18)
  9. Catfishing (English WikiPedia)
  10. We studied thousands of anonymous posts about the Parkland attack — and found a conspiracy in the making (WaPo, 28 February 2018)
  11. YouTube says new moderators might have mistakenly purged right-wing channels (Verge, 28 Feb 2018)
  12. Embedding a tweet could be copyright infringement, says new court ruling (Verge, 16 Feb 2018)
  13. How to get around the Google Arts & Culture app’s block on Texas and Illinois (Houston Chronicle, 17 January 2018)
  14. The best and worst of Mobile World Congress 2018 (The Verge, 28 Feb 18)
  15. These will be the first cities getting 5G from Sprint and T-Mobile (Techcrunch, 27 Feb 2018)
  16. The Senate’s big fight over net neutrality officially starts today (The Verge, 27 February 2018)
  17. Microsoft’s Slack competitor might get a free version soon (The Verge, 27 February 2018)
  18. Lenovo’s rugged Chromebooks for schools make note-taking a breeze (The Verge, 26 February 2018)
  19. Lenovo’s New Chromebooks Are Official And Priced To Sell (Chrome Unboxed, 26 Feb 2018)
  20. Only two Android brands score reasonably well in analysis of security updates (9 to 5 Google, 28 February 2018)
  21. Is Google quietly laying the groundwork for Android’s demise? (Boy Genius Report, 28 Feb 2018)
  22. Cybersecurity Enforcers Wake Up to Unauthorized Computer Access Via Credential Stuffing (Big Law Business, 20 Feb 2018)
  23. 1Password now lets you see if your password has been leaked (Engadget, 23 Feb 2018) – based on haveibeenpwned.com
  24. Jason’s Geek of the Week: Learn with Google AI: Making ML education available to everyone
  25. Wes’ Geek of the Week: OrangeSlice: Teacher Rubric (via @ericcurts)